At Nithraid in 2023 Cluaran had a crew gathered from a variety of times and places. They are all connected by the river Nith, but may have very different opinions about it. Over the coming months we will introduce you to them.
First up from the future we have Ola…

Meet Ola
She is from 3033 and time travels back in time when the tide comes in up the river Nith.
In her future there is no land, and everyone lives under water. Due to micro plastics in our current timeline Ola’s people have developed scales on their legs (which are multi coloured) and a neoprene type skin that covers their feet. This helps them swim in their underwater world.
A chemical created (in her timeline) to dissolve micro plastics in the sea mutated and humans started to develop ability to breath underwater. This is how their skin and scales developed.
In Ola’s world the currency they use are pelican foot shells. These shells are prised highly with her people and can only be collected from some beaches along the coast of Dumfries and Galloway up to the end of the 21st century. None exist in her time, and this is usually why she comes back to our time. There she can collect them and walk along beaches that no longer exist in 3033.
Her cloak has a bright purple lining and gold and blue panels with floral designs. These have been inspired by the banks of the river Nith.
Ola has not yet spoken about how her world came to be under the sea, but she likes to talk to people about looking after our world in 2023.
— Ola, time traveller
More stories to follow! After craft club though. We will probably be casting playing pieces for early medieval games this evening.