
Winter 2021

We have had a pretty good summer! It was great to get out and about, although our usual regular big shows did not return.

We worked in a new site at Crosmichael. This was an opportunity to interpret the Viking era hoard discovered just accross the river from where we were camping. We also were able to get two of our boats out onto the water – and sail. Both the Catkin curragh we built and the Cluaran yole rowed around the loch. We built a jetty and told stories to the crown from it.

We managed to visit two of our regular Edinburgh schools (George Watson Junior and Cargilfield) although with a reduced crew as the regulations and changes in peoples lives have made everything just that little bit more tricky.

In the Autimn we were funded by Galloway Glens to visit more primary schools. With new recruit Hrefna, we have brought history to life for hundreds of primary school pupills. We have turned their lunch halls into maps of the world, watched their villages develop from settlements into Jarls offs as they play story games.

Tales from the Longhouse are back! We started in November and have guests booked until March. We have also been booked for the “Big Burns Supper. This is an international event held in Dumfries. We are hoping to have an “In person” Tales from the Longhouse session – but lets see what omicron turns out like. At least the Floating Monastery exists both online and in the physical world! we are well placed to navigate whatever comes.

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