
Summer 2021

As Lockdown eases we adapt again. Some people are still restricted from travelling. We all need to continue to be cautious,  as the plague needs people to travel. However, some events that were postponed last year are preparing to happen. This has meant a lot of things have come at a rush. Our equipment has been repurposed, networks scattered and some people are still isolating. It is good to be taking part in events though…     

Tales from the Longhouse has been running throughout Lockdown. With a good solid attendance and two skilled resident storytellers this has been a highlight of the month for all involved. We have also enjoyed the company of guest storytellers with a wide range of stories – but all told in a way which woudldn’t be out of place in an actual longhouse on the shores fo Galloway. The summer of 2021 is going to be needed to recover from lockdown last year, and work out what we can do next year. It’s alsomes as if someone has shouted “Ready About!” and now we are trying to remember which sheets need to be held, and which let go. When we tack though, we look forward to an exciting new course!

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