There have been a lot of changes taking place behind the scenes to get ready for the summer of 2022!
The website has been overhauled to prepare it for the way forward. Also, in order to “stay on course”, Cluaran has changed tack. Cluaran has become part of a community interest company called “Wordsmith Crafts C.I.C.”. It will continue to be recognisable as a project, and one day might set sail again as it’s own entity. For now though it is the living, breathing, hands on heritage part of Wordsmith Crafts.
During lockdown we started to do a lot more online storytelling. This has led to several “in person” bookings. We hope to develop this over the next few months. We will also be sending expeditions around the UK to learn new skills – and might even make it overseas as well!
Please explore the site to read about what we hope to do. Get in touch if you have a suggestion or would like to get involved.