Thank you to everyone who came along to get the boat on the water on the 13th of July. This goes for the shore crew as well as those who braved the watery depths… well shallows… of the Nith.
We were successful in launching and rowing the boat. The shore crew caught some of it on camera – and we even have a film of it made by David Slater (DRS Video Clips)
The next boat evening we have scheduled is for Thursday the 24th of August. 1900 to 2100 again, rendezvous at the Wordsmith Crafts Workshop (3 James Avenue, Dumfries).
More details will be posted closer to the time.
If you want to think about the sorts of characters who might, could have or perhaps will inhabit the Nith, then have a go at filling in this form:
You can also become a member of Cluaran by signing up to the newsletter lists of your choice (or volunteering to help manage the project!).